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Selasa, 26 Mei 2020

SOP Surveillance System

IM Number
SOP Title
Mekanisme Surveillance
A.   Latar Belakang

Strategi Anti Fraud PT.  XXX Mengacu kepada Peraturan OJK Nomor 35/POJK.05/2018 POJK pasal 61 ayat c dan d tentang fungsi deteksi dapat dilakukan dengan mekanisme Surveillance System. (Anti Fraud Strategy of PT. XXX Referring to OJK Regulation Number 35 / POJK.05 / 2018 POJK article 61 paragraphs c and d concerning the detection function can be carried out with a Surveillance System mechanism).

B.   Tujuan

Tujuan dari diadakannya surveillance System audit adalah :
The purpose of the Surveillance System is :

Monitoring kegiatan setiap cabang pada departemen Operation, Marketing dan Collection  dilhat dari pencapaian yang diperoleh pada akhir bulan dan sebelum dilakukan audit kecabang. (Desk Audit)
Monitoring the activities of each branch in the Operations, Marketing and Collection departments is seen from the achievements obtained at the end of the month and prior to the branch audit. (Audit desk)

C.   Pelaksanaan Surveillance System
  Surveillance System Implementation
 Surveillance system adalah sebuah kegiatan untuk memantau dan menguji efektivitas kebijakan anti fraud yang dilakukan tanpa diketahui atau disadari oleh pihak yang diuji atau diperiksa.
Surveillance system is an activity to monitor and test the effectiveness of anti-fraud policies that are carried out without the knowledge or awareness of those tested or examined.
 Mekanisme surveillance system di PT. XXX dilakukan oleh Internal Audit Departemen pada proses :
The surveillance system mechanism at PT.XXX  is carried out by the Internal Audit Department in the process of:
1.    Surveillance dilakukan pada saat desk audit (sampling) sebelum melakukan pemeriksaan kepada Cabang atau HO.Surveillance is done at the desk audit (sampling) before conducting an inspection of the Branch or HO
2.   Surveillance dilakukan pada setiap akhir bulan untuk melihat hasil kinerja cabang pada departemen Marketing, Collection & Operation.
Surveillance is carried out at the end of every month to see the branch performance results in the Marketing, Collection & Operation departments.
Berikut Contoh Surveillance untuk Operation
No. Branch Name Operation
(On Hand)
Nominal PDC
(On Hand)
OPR Expense Cabang  Petty Cash
Total Jumlah Penerimaan Cust  Nominal Penerimaan Customer & Collection  Cash on Hand EOM
    1  0001 PECENONGAN        15        86,390,500   219,763,824      7,000,000               300   1,204,716,600       5,710,000
    2  0002 KELAPA GADING       43      247,778,500   222,554,587      7,000,000               353   1,254,201,800     33,820,000
    3  0003 RADIO DALAM       29   1,474,080,000   259,286,125      7,000,000               182      648,100,700     12,733,000
    4  0004 SURABAYA       35      206,993,000   273,407,461      7,000,000               273      821,491,300     71,132,000
    5  0005 TANGERANG       31      212,353,000   273,736,078      7,000,000               280      947,204,300     53,506,700
    6  0006 KALIMALANG       28      149,506,000   263,017,726      7,000,000               415   1,511,911,000   162,276,500
    7  0007 BANDUNG        -                         -     155,337,490      7,000,000               202      605,933,000     41,424,000
    8  0008 MEDAN         2        10,066,000   209,461,396      9,000,000               287   1,102,874,000     54,492,000
    9  0009 PALEMBANG         5        41,300,000   210,967,372      7,000,000               238      909,162,500     56,213,000
  10  0010 BOGOR       17      208,250,000   220,060,306      7,000,000               131      388,226,000     19,785,000
  11  0011 ACEH        -                         -              31,000                   -                   -                         -                      -  
  12  0012 PEKANBARU         9        87,690,000   205,342,434      7,000,000               368   1,250,957,000     63,458,000
  13  0013 SAMARINDA        -                         -                      -                     -                   -                         -                      -  
  14  0014 MAKASSAR       44      409,750,000   183,079,590      3,000,000               336   1,283,856,500     50,604,500
  15  0015 SERANG       16      125,974,000   253,118,381      7,000,000               233      738,799,600     95,117,000
  16  0016 MALANG        -                         -     161,322,915      7,000,000               150      481,928,000     32,531,000
  17  0017 RANTAU PRAPAT        -                         -              52,500      3,000,000                 -                         -                      -  
  18  0018 BUARAN        -                         -            494,074      7,000,000                 -                         -                      -  
  19  0019 CIKARANG        -                         -     231,461,149      7,000,000               125      400,072,500     26,687,000
  20  0020 PCN 2        -                         -            110,000                   -                   -                         -                      -  
  21  0021 BANJARMASIN        -                         -            124,000                   -                   -                         -                      -  
  22  0022 DEPOK        -                         -     134,853,338                   -                   13        39,346,500                    -  
  23  9001 QC JABODETABEK        -                         -                      -                     -                   -                         -                      -  
  24  9001 QC  SBY        -                         -                      -                     -                   -                         -                      -  

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